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Bid Opening Information for September 2024
Bid Information Updated
Notice of Bid Openings 9/6/2024
Bid Express
Asphalt Price Index
Fuel Price Index
DBE Goal Setting Information
Plan Holder List (MoDOT Plans Room)
Preliminary Quantities 9/6/2024
DBE.bin 9/6/2024
Federal Provisions and Wage Rates 9/23/2024
State Wage Rates 9/6/2024
General Provisions and Supplemental Specs 9/6/2024
Call for 240927 Description Bid Book Bid Book Road JSPs Road J S P Bridge JSPs Bridge J S P Plans Plans Cross Sections Cross Sections Electronic Deliverables Roadway Electronic Deliverables Roadway Electronic Deliverables Bridge Electronic Deliverables Bridge Download Files
A08 Job JNWM0068 I-35 HARRISON County. Urgent bridge repair north of Bethany on East 280th Street over I-35, the total length of improvements being .025 mile. View
Bid Book

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Electronic Deliverables Bridge
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